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Die XML -Datei ändern oder generieren Ich untersuche den effizientesten Weg, um bestimmte Abschnitte davon zu ändern. Wenn jemand Ideen oder Vorschläge zur Rationalisierung dieses Prozesses hat, würde ich Ihre Eingabe sehr zu schätzen wissen. Danke! < /P>
Code: Select all
from lxml import etree
import os
# Function to modify the XML with the given number of DOL blocks
def adjust_dol_blocks(xml_file, num_blocks):
tree = etree.parse(xml_file)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
print(f"Error parsing XML file: {e}")
root = tree.getroot()
# Define namespaces, including the xsi namespace
namespace = {
"ns": "www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10",
"xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
# Find the BodyContent section with xsi:type="LD"
body_content = root.xpath(".//ns:BodyContent[@xsi:type='LD']", namespaces=namespace)
if not body_content:
print("Error: Could not find the BodyContent element with xsi:type='LD'.")
body_content = body_content[0] # Take the first match if multiple
# Find all elements within the BodyContent
rungs = body_content.xpath(".//ns:Rung", namespaces=namespace)
# Current number of DOL blocks in the XML
current_blocks = len(rungs)
if current_blocks < num_blocks:
# Add new DOL blocks if needed
for i in range(current_blocks, num_blocks):
new_rung = create_new_rung(i, namespace)
elif current_blocks > num_blocks:
# Remove excess DOL blocks if needed
for i in range(current_blocks - 1, num_blocks - 1, -1):
# Save the modified XML back to the file
new_file_path = "modified_" + os.path.basename(xml_file)
tree.write(new_file_path, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")
print(f"Modified XML file saved as {new_file_path}")
def create_new_rung(index, namespace):
# This function creates a new Rung with a unique DOL block
rung = etree.Element("{www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10}Rung", evaluationOrder=str(index + 1))
rel_position = etree.SubElement(rung, "{www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10}RelPosition", x="26", y=str(4 + index * 32)) # Adjust Y for spacing
# Add a new FbdObject (DOL block)
fbd_object = etree.SubElement(rung, "{www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10}FbdObject",
xsi_type="Block", globalId=f"ID_NewProgram_Code_{index + 1}",
typeName="DOL", instanceName=f"DOL{index + 1}")
# Adding the required internal structure (like AddData)
add_data = etree.SubElement(fbd_object, "{www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10}AddData")
data = etree.SubElement(add_data, "{www.iec.ch/public/TC65SC65BWG7TF10}Data", name="objectInformation", handleUnknown="preserve")
return rung
def main():
# Prompt for file path and validate it
xml_file = input("Enter the full file path of the XML file: ").strip()
if not os.path.isfile(xml_file):
print(f"Error: The file '{xml_file}' does not exist. Please check the path and try again.")
# Prompt for the number of DOL blocks
num_blocks = int(input("Enter the desired number of DOL blocks: ").strip())
except ValueError:
print("Error: Please enter a valid integer for the number of blocks.")
# Call the function to adjust the DOL blocks
adjust_dol_blocks(xml_file, num_blocks)
# Run the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":