Problem mit dem Herunterladen von Datei über Browser-UsePython

 Problem mit dem Herunterladen von Datei über Browser-Use

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Ich schreibe Web-Automatisierung zum Herunterladen einer Datei per Browser-Use Webautomation-Tool, mit dem LLM als AI-Agent verwendet wird. Die Funktion "Download-Dateien" wird von der Browser-Verwendung als integrierte Funktionalität nicht unterstützt. Deshalb habe ich einen komplexen Code dafür. Manchmal funktioniert es jedoch gut und lädt die Datei herunter, aber manchmal nicht.

Code: Select all

INFO     [browser_use] BrowserUse logging setup complete with level info
INFO     [root] Anonymized telemetry enabled.  See for more information.
contexts initial: 0
INFO     [agent] 🚀 Starting task: navigate to and download the first doc
INFO     [agent]
📍 Step 1
contexts after 5 sec: 1
INFO     [agent] 👍 Eval: Success - Looking at a blank page.
INFO     [agent] 🧠 Memory: Need to navigate to a specific URL.
INFO     [agent] 🎯 Next goal: Navigate to the specified URL to download the document.
INFO     [agent] 🛠️  Action 1/1: {"go_to_url":{"url":""}}
INFO     [controller] 🔗  Navigated to
INFO     [agent]
📍 Step 2
INFO     [agent] 👍 Eval: Success - Navigated to the site and located download links for document files.
INFO     [agent] 🧠 Memory: Ready to download the first DOC file.
INFO     [agent] 🎯 Next goal: Download the first DOC file by clicking the download link.
INFO     [agent] 🛠️  Action 1/1: {"click_element":{"index":12}}
INFO     [controller] 🖱️  Clicked button with index 12: Download sample DOC file
INFO     [agent]
📍 Step 3
INFO     [agent] 👍 Eval: Success - The download link was clicked and is now redirecting to the file download page.
INFO     [agent] 🧠 Memory: The file is being downloaded from the redirect page.
INFO     [agent] 🎯 Next goal: Verify and complete the task since the download process has started.
INFO     [agent] 🛠️  Action 1/1: {"done":{"text":"The first DOC file has been successfully downloaded from the link:"}}
INFO     [agent] 📄 Result: The first DOC file has been successfully downloaded from the link:
INFO     [agent] ✅ Task completed successfully
INFO     [agent] Created GIF at agent_history.gif

No files were downloaded during this session.
Press Enter to close...
< /code>
Und hier ist der Code: < /p>
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import asyncio
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from typing import Dict, List
from browser_use import Agent, Controller
from browser_use.browser.browser import Browser, BrowserConfig
from browser_use.browser.context import BrowserContext

# Initialize controller first
browser = Browser(config=BrowserConfig(headless=False))
controller = Controller()

# Track downloads
downloaded_files: List[str] = []

async def handle_download(download):
# Create downloads directory if it doesn't exist
downloads_dir = Path('./downloads')

# Get original download path
original_path = await download.path()
if original_path:
# Create new path in downloads directory
new_path = downloads_dir / os.path.basename(original_path)

# Move the file to downloads directory
os.rename(original_path, new_path)

# Add the new path to downloaded files list
print(f"Downloaded and moved to: {new_path}")

'Upload file - the file name is inside the function - you only need to call this with the  correct index',
async def upload_file(index: int, browser: BrowserContext):
element = await browser.get_element_by_index(index)
my_file = Path.cwd() / 'examples/test_cv.txt'
if not element:
raise Exception(f'Element with index {index} not found')

await element.set_input_files(str(my_file.absolute()))
return f'Uploaded file to index {index}'

@controller.action('Close file dialog', requires_browser=True)
async def close_file_dialog(browser: BrowserContext):
page = await browser.get_current_page()

def handle_page(new_page):
print("New page created!")
"download", lambda download: asyncio.create_task(handle_download(download))

async def print_contexts_after_delay(playwright_browser):
await asyncio.sleep(5)
if (len(playwright_browser.contexts) <  1):
raise Exception('No contexts found')

#  up download handler at Playwright browser level
playwright_browser.contexts[0].on("page", handle_page)
print('contexts after 5 sec:', len(playwright_browser.contexts))

async def main():
task = "navigate to and download the first doc"

model = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-4o')
agent = Agent(

# Get the underlying Playwright browser instance
playwright_browser = await browser.get_playwright_browser()
print('contexts initial:', len(playwright_browser.contexts))

# Create task for delayed context printing


history_file_path = 'AgentHistoryList.json'

await browser.close()

# Print downloaded files
if downloaded_files:
print("\nDownloaded files:")
for file_path in downloaded_files:
print(f"- {os.path.basename(file_path)}")
print("\nNo files were downloaded during this session.")

input('Press Enter to close...')

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ich vermute, dass das Problem mit Parallelität und asynchronen Aktionen zusammenhängt. Oder vielleicht im Zusammenhang mit der handle_download-Methode.
Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar.

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