Tatsächliches Verhalten: Seit den letzten 3 Tagen bleiben Berichte für eine ungewöhnlich lange Zeit in Anspruch genommen.
< Strong> Erwartete Verhalten: < /strong> Berichte sollten sich schließlich von ausstehend auf abgeschlossen bewegen, sodass wir die Daten abrufen können. *< /p>
Code: Select all
Timestamp: 2025-01-31T14:29:22.724+05:30
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 08:59:22,724",
"level": "INFO",
"message": "Attempting to execute process to get reports.",
"logger": "ingestion",
"func_name": "execute",
"line_no": 256,
"file_name": "amazon_ads.py",
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"process": 1
Timestamp: 2025-01-31T14:29:22.724+05:30
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 08:59:22,724",
"level": "INFO",
"message": "Attempting to generate access token.",
"logger": "ingestion",
"func_name": "get_access_token",
"line_no": 83,
"file_name": "amazon_ads.py",
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"process": 1
Timestamp: 2025-01-31T14:29:22.812+05:30
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 08:59:22,812",
"level": "INFO",
"message": "Iteration started",
"logger": "ingestion",
"func_name": "retry_until_condition_satisfied_reportVersion",
"line_no": 203,
"file_name": "request_util.py",
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"process": 1
Timestamp: 2025-01-31T14:29:22.947+05:30
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 08:59:22,946",
"level": "INFO",
"message": "Reports are not yet completed at server end.",
"logger": "ingestion",
"func_name": "retry_until_condition_satisfied_reportVersion",
"line_no": 209,
"file_name": "request_util.py",
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"process": 1
or tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(RetryException),
wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=MULTIPLIER, max=MAX_WAIT_TIME),
def retry_until_condition_satisfied(
method: str,
url: str,
condition: t.Callable[..., bool],
params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {},
retry_error_codes: t.List[int] = [],
) -> t.Any:
logger.info("Iteration started")
response = requests.request(method, url, **params)
if response.status_code in API_SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES:
if condition(response=response):
return response
logger.info("Reports are not yet completed at server end.")
raise RetryConditionUnsatisfiedError(
"errorMessage": "Reports are not yet completed at server end.",
"errorCode": response.status_code,
"response": response,
if len(retry_error_codes) > 0:
if response.status_code in RETRY_ERRORS:
raise RetryException(
"errorCode": response.status_code,
"response": response,
"errorMessage": f"API failed with {response.status_code} :: Error Text: {response.text}",
raise RequestError({"errorCode": response.status_code, "response": response})
< /code>
Probleme in den letzten 3 Tagen: ** < /p>
Berichte wechseln nicht mehr abgeschlossen: < /strong>
Zuvor war die Funktion wiedergegeben, bis der Bericht fertig war. > < /li>
Mögliche Änderungen der Amazon -API? < /strong>
Wir haben in unserer Implementierung nichts geändert. Zeiten oder eingeführte neue Einschränkungen? Wiederholungen mit einem exponentiellen Backoff bis zu 244 Sekunden max.>