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Was bedeutet "Fehler C2065: 'J': Nicht deklarierter Kennung"?

Posted: 28 Feb 2025, 01:49
by Anonymous
Ich habe alle anderen Kompilierungsfehler behoben, aber ich erhalte diesen Fehler immer wieder, es gibt fünf. < /p>

Code: Select all

1>\takehome\main.cpp(39) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
1>\takehome\main.cpp(44) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
\takehome\main.cpp(45) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
\takehome\main.cpp(76) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
\takehome\main.cpp(80) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
< /code>
Ich habe versucht, alles damit zu tun, aber ich mache wahrscheinlich etwas falsch. Ich könnte Hilfe gebrauchen, wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht :). Übrigens, falls sich jemand wundern und Simpletron machte. < /P>
using namespace std;

int main()
int memory[100]; //Making it 100, since simpletron contains a 100 word mem.

int operation; //taking the rest of these variables straight out of the book seeing as how they were italisized.

int operand;

int accum = 0; // the special register is starting at 0

int position = 0; //making the starting position to be 0.

for ( int j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) //Simply stating that for int j is = to 0, j must be less than 100 because that is the memory limit, and for every pass-through, increment j.

memory[j] = 0;

// This is for part a, it will take in positive variables in a sent-controlled loop and compute + print their sum. These are random variables.
memory [0] = 2942;

memory [1] = 2342;

memory [2] = 3523;

memory [3] = 2031;

memory [4] = 5000;

memory [5] = 8080;

memory [6] = 3425;

j = 0; //Makes the variable j start at 0.

while ( true )

memory[ j ]%100 = operand; // Finds the op codes from the limit on the memory (100)
memory[ j ]%100 = operation;

//using a switch loop to set up the loops for the cases
switch ( operation ){
case 1: //reads a variable into a word from loc.
cout  memory[ operand ]; break;

case 2: // takes a word from location