Pixel zur Excel Cell -Konvertierung durch XlwingsPython

 Pixel zur Excel Cell -Konvertierung durch Xlwings

Post by Anonymous »

Ich versuche, den Pixelwert in Tabellenkalkulationszellen zu konvertieren.

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import xlwings as xw
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter

def column_width_to_pixels(column_width):
"""Convert Excel column width to pixels (including extra padding)."""
return int((column_width + 0.71) * 7) + 2  # Add 2 pixels for Excel padding

def row_height_to_pixels(row_height):
"""Convert Excel row height (points) to pixels (including padding)."""
return int(row_height * (96 / 72)) + 2  # Add 2 pixels for Excel rendering offset

def find_exact_excel_cell(file_path, sheet_name, left_px, top_px):
Converts image pixel position (left_px, top_px) into the closest Excel cell.
Uses accurate width and height calculations.
app = xw.App(visible=False)  # Prevent Excel UI from opening
wb = xw.Book(file_path)
ws = wb.sheets[sheet_name]

x_offset = 0  # Tracks total width in pixels
y_offset = 0  # Tracks total height in pixels

target_col = None
target_row = None

# Retrieve total columns and rows
total_cols = ws.used_range.columns.count
total_rows = ws.used_range.rows.count

# Find the closest column (X position)
for col in range(1, total_cols + 1):  # xlwings uses 1-based index
col_letter = get_column_letter(col)  # Convert to 'A', 'B', etc.
col_width = ws.range(f"{col_letter}1").column_width
col_pixel_width = column_width_to_pixels(col_width)  # Convert width to pixels

if x_offset 
    app = xw.App(visible=False)
# Open the Excel workbook
wb = app.books.open(file_name)

sheet = wb.sheets[0]
sheet.page_setup.zoom = 100  # Ensure no zooming
sheet.page_setup.print_quality = 300
img_file = os.path.join(output_path, f"{name_no_extention}.png")
end_range = spreadsheet_max_dimensions(file_name, sheet.name)
custom_range = f"A1:{end_range}"  # Change this to your desired range

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