Dialogmanager 3 (Godot 4) Dialogeles EreignisC#

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 Dialogmanager 3 (Godot 4) Dialogeles Ereignis

Post by Anonymous »

Ich arbeite derzeit am Dialogsystem in Godot 4 mit Dialog Manager 3. Ich habe eine Funktion "CheckDialogueFineished" erstellt, um zu überprüfen, ob das Dialogereignis bereits zu Ende gegangen ist. Es soll in der Funktion "checkInteract" abonniert werden, aber es tut es nie. Jede Hilfe wird geschätzt, Tyia! < /P>

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using Godot;
using System;
using DialogueManagerRuntime;

public partial class ObjectInteract : Node {
private Resource dialogue = GD.Load("res://Dialogue/Test.dialogue");
private bool isInDialogue = false;

Function Desc: Gets the distance between an object and the player via slope
@param ObjectX -> x-coordinate of the Object
@param ObjectY -> y-coordinate of the Object
@param PlayerX -> x-coordinate of the Player
@param PlayerY -> y-coordinate of the Player
public float getDistanceSlope(float ObjectX, float ObjectY, float PlayerX, float PlayerY){
float dx = ObjectX - PlayerX;
float dy = ObjectY - PlayerY;
float distance = dx * dx + dy * dy;
float trueDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distance);

return distance;
Function Desc: Checks whether the player is close enough to interact with the object
@param slope -> Distance between object and player
@param objectName -> Name of the object
public void checkInteract(float slope){
if (slope < 850 && Input.IsActionJustPressed("interact") && !isInDialogue){
isInDialogue = true;

DialogueManager.DialogueEnded += checkDialogueFinished;
GD.Print("Event fired!");

private void checkDialogueFinished(Resource dialogue) {
GD.Print("Event ended, setting isInDialogue back to false!");
isInDialogue = false;

DialogueManager.DialogueEnded -= checkDialogueFinished;

Ich habe versucht, die Dialoguemanagruntime zu überprüfen, aber noch keine Lösung gefunden.

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