Ich versuche, ein Pygame Zero -Spiel zu erstellen.def draw_button(rect, text, color='yellow'):
screen.draw.filled_rect(rect, color)
screen.draw.textbox(text, rect, fontname='impact', color='black')
< /code>
screen.blit('thor', spaces_char[0])
screen.blit('loki', spaces_char[1])
< /code>
I have been looking for a way on the internet but they are very unhelpful because i am using pygame zero, not pygame!!!!!
I tried with the code above.
Does Surface work?
Really what I am trying to do is make a Rect to be detected with on_mouse_down()
The files are thor.png and loki.png
Kann ein Bildschirm.Draw.textbox -Funktion ein Bild übergeben werden ⇐ Python
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