Die Fragen werden zufällig aus dem triviaPrompts-Array ausgewählt. Bei der Auswahl werden die Antworten jedoch falsch ausgegeben.
Zum Beispiel: Die richtige Antwort auf diese Frage war B: Maracana-Stadion. Es erscheint jedoch eine Aufforderung zur Eingabe einer falschen Antwort und zeigt Option C als richtige Antwort an.
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var clickCount = 0;
var questionCount = 0;
var score = 0;
var i = 0;
var reloading = document.getElementById('reload');
var setScore = function() {
if (clickCount < 1) {
Score:" + score + "
function reset(){
$('#reset').on('click', function (){
//open popup
$('.cd-popup-trigger').on('click', function(){
// event.preventDefault();
//close popup
$('#reset').on('click', function(){
var triviaPrompts = [
[ "How many times have the Olympics been held in South America before 2016?", ["Once", "Twice", "Never"], "C", ["A", "B"] ],
[ "Which events are included for the first time in decades?", ["Golf & Cycling-BMX", "Rugby & Golf", "Rugby & Cricket"], "B", ["A", "C"] ],
[ "What is lit with a flame during the opening ceremony?", ["The Olympic Cauldron", "The Olympic Mascot", "The Olympic Torch"], "C", ["A", "B"] ],
[ "The torch relay began on April 21st in which city?", ["Olympia", "Rio de Janeiro", "London"], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
[ "Organizers prepare approximately how many meals per day to feed athletes?", ["5,000", "60,000", "30,000"], "B", ["A", "C"] ],
[ "Which is one of the venues for the Rio Olympics?", ["The Olympic Golf Course", "The Olympic Village", "The Olympic Parade"], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
[ "The first refugee team to ever compete at the Olympic Games competes under which flag?", ["Olympic", "Greece", "Brazil"], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
[ "Which two types of martial arts are represented in the Summer Olympics?", ["Kung Fu & Tai Chi Chuan", "Karate & Ninjitsu", "Taekwondo & Judo"], "C", ["A", "B"] ],
[ "The beach volleyball tournament is held at?", ["Fort Copacabana", "Copacabana Beach", "The Copacabana Club"], "B", ["A", "C"] ],
[ "Where are the opening and closing ceremonies held?", ["Joao Havelange Olympic Stadium", "Maracana Stadium", "Maracanazinho Arena"], "B", ["A", "C"] ],
["How many gold medals will be handed out during at the 2016 Summer Olympics?",
["306", "256", "400"], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
["What is the motto for the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["One World. One Dream.", "Light the Fire Within", "Live your passion"], "C", ["A", "B"] ],
["What is the estimated cost in U.S. dollars of the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["$6.25 billion", "$11.25 billion", "$22.25 billion"], "B", ["A", "C"] ],
["When will the 2016 Summer Games end?", ["October 15th", "September 2nd", "August 21st"], "C", ["A", "B"] ],
["Rio's taxi drivers, or 'taxistas', were given the chance to sign up for free online English lessons provided by the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
["There will be a total of 28 sports in the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
["The official mascots of the 2016 Summer Olympics are Vinicius and Tom?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ],
["There will be less than 10,000 athletes participating in the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["True", "False", " "], "B", ["A", "C"] ]
function addQAs (){
var questionCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * triviaPrompts.length);
$("#A").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][0] );
$("#B").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][1] );
$("#C").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][2] );
var chooseAnswer = function(){
var rightAnswer = function() {
if (clickCount < 1) {
$(this).css("color", "green"); // (1)
$("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][3][0]).css("color", "grey");
$("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][3][1]).css("color", "grey");
$(".right-or-wrong").text("You are correct!");
score = score + 1;
var wrongAnswer = function () {
if (clickCount < 1) {
$(".answer").css("color", "grey");
$(this).css("color", "red");
$(".right-or-wrong").text("That is wrong! The correct Answer is " + $("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][2]).text() + ".");
var answerChoices = function() {
$("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][2]).on("click", rightAnswer);
$("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][3][0]).on("click", wrongAnswer);
$("#" + triviaPrompts[questionCount][3][1]).on("click", wrongAnswer);
var onNext = function(){
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (triviaPrompts.length));
if ( questionCount
Die Fragen werden zufällig aus dem triviaPrompts-Array ausgewählt. Bei der Auswahl werden die Antworten jedoch falsch ausgegeben.
Zum Beispiel: Die richtige Antwort auf diese Frage war B: Maracana-Stadion. Es erscheint jedoch eine Aufforderung zur Eingabe einer falschen Antwort und zeigt Option C als richtige Antwort an.
[img]https://i.sstatic.net/KSgXe.png [/img]
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[img]css/bronze-short.png[/img] You got 1 out of 3 correct. Good job! [list] [*][url=#start]Play Again[/url] [/list]
[img]css/silver-short.png[/img] You got 2 out of 3 correct.Awesome job! [list] [*][url=#start]Play Again[/url] [/list]
[img]css/gold-short.png[/img] You got 3 out of 3 correct.Perfection! [list] [*][url=#start]Play Again[/url] [/list]
[code]var clickCount = 0; var questionCount = 0; var score = 0; var i = 0; var reloading = document.getElementById('reload'); var setScore = function() { if (clickCount < 1) { $(".score").html(" Score:" + score + " "); } }; function reset(){ $('#reset').on('click', function (){ addQAs(); setScore(); chooseAnswer(); }) };
var triviaPrompts = [ [ "How many times have the Olympics been held in South America before 2016?", ["Once", "Twice", "Never"], "C", ["A", "B"] ], [ "Which events are included for the first time in decades?", ["Golf & Cycling-BMX", "Rugby & Golf", "Rugby & Cricket"], "B", ["A", "C"] ], [ "What is lit with a flame during the opening ceremony?", ["The Olympic Cauldron", "The Olympic Mascot", "The Olympic Torch"], "C", ["A", "B"] ], [ "The torch relay began on April 21st in which city?", ["Olympia", "Rio de Janeiro", "London"], "A", ["B", "C"] ], [ "Organizers prepare approximately how many meals per day to feed athletes?", ["5,000", "60,000", "30,000"], "B", ["A", "C"] ], [ "Which is one of the venues for the Rio Olympics?", ["The Olympic Golf Course", "The Olympic Village", "The Olympic Parade"], "A", ["B", "C"] ], [ "The first refugee team to ever compete at the Olympic Games competes under which flag?", ["Olympic", "Greece", "Brazil"], "A", ["B", "C"] ], [ "Which two types of martial arts are represented in the Summer Olympics?", ["Kung Fu & Tai Chi Chuan", "Karate & Ninjitsu", "Taekwondo & Judo"], "C", ["A", "B"] ], [ "The beach volleyball tournament is held at?", ["Fort Copacabana", "Copacabana Beach", "The Copacabana Club"], "B", ["A", "C"] ], [ "Where are the opening and closing ceremonies held?", ["Joao Havelange Olympic Stadium", "Maracana Stadium", "Maracanazinho Arena"], "B", ["A", "C"] ], ["How many gold medals will be handed out during at the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["306", "256", "400"], "A", ["B", "C"] ], ["What is the motto for the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["One World. One Dream.", "Light the Fire Within", "Live your passion"], "C", ["A", "B"] ], ["What is the estimated cost in U.S. dollars of the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["$6.25 billion", "$11.25 billion", "$22.25 billion"], "B", ["A", "C"] ], ["When will the 2016 Summer Games end?", ["October 15th", "September 2nd", "August 21st"], "C", ["A", "B"] ], ["Rio's taxi drivers, or 'taxistas', were given the chance to sign up for free online English lessons provided by the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ], ["There will be a total of 28 sports in the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ], ["The official mascots of the 2016 Summer Olympics are Vinicius and Tom?", ["True", "False", " "], "A", ["B", "C"] ], ["There will be less than 10,000 athletes participating in the 2016 Summer Olympics?", ["True", "False", " "], "B", ["A", "C"] ] ];
function addQAs (){ var questionCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * triviaPrompts.length); $(".question").text(triviaPrompts[questionCount][0]); $("#A").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][0] ); $("#B").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][1] ); $("#C").text( triviaPrompts[questionCount][1][2] ); };
Ich versuche, Azure AI OpenAI zu verwenden, um Antworten von einem geschulten Modell zu generieren, das auf einer Reihe von Daten basiert, die ich als Teil der Eingabeaufforderung angibt. Mein Ziel...
Ich versuche, Azure AI OpenAI zu verwenden, um Antworten von einem geschulten Modell zu generieren, das auf einer Reihe von Daten basiert, die ich als Teil der Eingabeaufforderung angibt. Mein Ziel...
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/> Info:
In einer Reihen- oder df-Spalte möchte ich die Anzahl der Werte zählen, die in vordefinierte Bins passen (einfach) und die Bin-Werte sinnvoll beschriften (Problem).
import pandas as pd