Optimierung des Siebcodes im selbstinitialisierenden quadratischen Sieb für PyPyPython

 Optimierung des Siebcodes im selbstinitialisierenden quadratischen Sieb für PyPy

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Ich habe das Self Initializing Quadratic Sieve (SIQS) in Python codiert, aber es wurde im Hinblick auf eine möglichst schnelle Geschwindigkeit in PyPy (nicht in nativem Python) codiert.
Hier ist der vollständige Code:

Code: Select all

import logging
import time
import math
from math import sqrt, ceil, floor, exp, log2, log, isqrt
from rich.live import Live
from rich.table import Table
from rich.console import Console
import random
import sys

format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(message)s',
def get_gray_code(n):
gray = [0] * (1 = 1
tmp = i + ((1 >= v
if (tmp & 1) == 1:
gray[i] = (v - 1, -1)
gray[i] = (v - 1, 1)
return gray

1,   2,   3,   5,   7,   9,  10,  11,  13,  14,
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161, 163, 165, 167, 173, 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187,
191, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205, 209, 211, 213,
215, 217, 219, 223, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239,
241, 249, 251, 253, 255

def create_table(relations, target_relations, num_poly, start_time):
end = time.time()
elapsed = end - start_time

relations_per_second = len(relations) / elapsed if elapsed > 0 else 0
poly_per_second = num_poly / elapsed if elapsed > 0 else 0
percent = (len(relations) / target_relations) * 100 if target_relations > 0 else 0
percent_per_second = percent / elapsed if elapsed > 0 else 0
remaining_percent = 100.0 - percent
seconds = int(remaining_percent / percent_per_second) if percent_per_second > 0 else 0
m, s = divmod(seconds, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)

table = Table(title="Processing Status")
table.add_column("Metric", style="cyan", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Value", style="magenta")

table.add_row("Relations per second", f"{relations_per_second:,.2f}")
table.add_row("Poly per second", f"{poly_per_second:,.2f}")
table.add_row("Percent", f"{percent:,.2f}%")
table.add_row("Percent per second", f"{percent_per_second:,.4f}%")
table.add_row("Estimated Time", f"{h:d}:{m:02d}:{s:02d}")

return table

class QuadraticSieve:
def __init__(self, M, B=None, T=2, prime_limit=20, eps=30, lp_multiplier=20, multiplier=None):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.prime_log_map = {}
self.root_map = {}

self.M = M
self.B = B
self.T = T
self.prime_limit = prime_limit
self.eps = eps
self.lp_multiplier = lp_multiplier
self.multiplier = multiplier

self.console = Console()

print(f"B: {B}")
print(f"M: {M}")
print(f"prime_limit: {prime_limit}")
print(f"eps: {eps}")
print(f"lp_multiplier: {lp_multiplier}")

def gcd(a, b):
a, b = abs(a), abs(b)
while a:
a, b = b % a, a
return b

def legendre(n, p):
val = pow(n, (p - 1) // 2, p)
return val - p if val >  1 else val

def jacobi(a, m):
a = a % m
t = 1
while a != 0:
while a % 2 == 0:
a //= 2
if m % 8 in [3, 5]:
t = -t
a, m = m, a
if a % 4 == 3 and m % 4 == 3:
t = -t
a %= m
return t if m == 1 else 0

def modinv(n, p):
n = n % p
x, u = 0, 1
while n:
x, u = u, x - (p // n) * u
p, n = n, p % n
return x

def factorise_fast(self, value, factor_base):
factors = set()
if value < 0:
factors ^= {-1}
value = -value
for factor in factor_base[1:]:
while value % factor == 0:
factors ^= {factor}
value //= factor
return factors, value

def tonelli_shanks(a, p):
a %= p
if p % 8 in [3, 7]:
x = pow(a, (p + 1) // 4, p)
return x, p - x

if p % 8 == 5:
x = pow(a, (p + 3) // 8, p)
if pow(x, 2, p) != a % p:
x = (x * pow(2, (p - 1) // 4, p)) % p
return x, p - x

d = 2
symb = 0
while symb != -1:
symb = QuadraticSieve.jacobi(d, p)
d += 1
d -= 1

n = p - 1
s = 0
while n % 2 == 0:
n //= 2
s += 1
t = n

A = pow(a, t, p)
D = pow(d, t, p)
m = 0
for i in range(s):
i1 = pow(2, s - 1 - i)
i2 = (A * pow(D, m, p)) % p
i3 = pow(i2, i1, p)
if i3 == p - 1:
m += pow(2, i)
x = (pow(a, (t + 1) // 2, p) * pow(D, m // 2, p)) % p
return x, p - x

def prime_sieve(n):
sieve = [True] * (n + 1)
sieve[0], sieve[1] = False, False

for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if sieve[i]:
for j in range(i * 2, n + 1, i):
sieve[j] = False

return [i for i, is_prime in enumerate(sieve) if is_prime]

def find_b(self, N):
x = ceil(exp(0.5 * sqrt(log(N) * log(log(N)))))
return x

def choose_multiplier(self, N, B):
prime_list = self.prime_sieve(B)
if self.multiplier is not None:
self.logger.info("Using multiplier k = %d", self.multiplier)
return prime_list
LN2 = math.log(2)
num_primes = min(len(prime_list), NUM_TEST_PRIMES)
log2n = math.log(N)
scores = [0.0 for _ in MULT_LIST]
num_multipliers = 0

for i, curr_mult in enumerate(MULT_LIST):
knmod8 = (curr_mult * (N % 8)) % 8
logmult = math.log(curr_mult)
scores[i] = 0.5 * logmult

if knmod8 == 1:
scores[i] -= 2 * LN2
elif knmod8 == 5:
scores[i] -= LN2
elif knmod8 in (3, 7):
scores[i] -= 0.5 * LN2

num_multipliers += 1

for i in range(1, num_primes):
prime = prime_list[i]
contrib = math.log(prime) / (prime - 1)
modp = N % prime

for j in range(num_multipliers):
curr_mult = MULT_LIST[j]
knmodp = (modp * curr_mult) % prime

if knmodp == 0 or self.legendre(knmodp, prime) == 1:
if knmodp == 0:
scores[j] -= contrib
scores[j] -= 2 * contrib

best_score = float('inf')
best_mult = 1

for i in range(num_multipliers):
if scores[i] <  best_score:
best_score = scores[i]
best_mult = MULT_LIST[i]

self.multiplier = best_mult
self.logger.info("Using multiplier k = %d", best_mult)
return prime_list

def get_smooth_b(self, N, B, prime_list):
factor_base = [-1, 2]
self.prime_log_map[2] = 1
for p in prime_list[1:]:
if self.legendre(N, p) == 1:
self.prime_log_map[p] = round(log2(p))
self.root_map[p] = self.tonelli_shanks(N, p)

return factor_base

def decide_bound(self, N, B=None):
if B is None:
B = self.find_b(N)
self.B = B
self.logger.info("Using B = %d", B)
return B

def build_factor_base(self, N, B, prime_list):
fb = self.get_smooth_b(N, B, prime_list)
self.logger.info("Factor base size: %d", len(fb))
return fb

def new_poly_a(self, factor_base, N, M, poly_a_list):
small_B = 1024
lower_polypool_index = 2
upper_polypool_index = small_B - 1
poly_low_found = False
for i in range(small_B):
if factor_base[i] > LOWER_BOUND_SIQS and not poly_low_found:
lower_polypool_index = i
poly_low_found = True
if factor_base[i] > UPPER_BOUND_SIQS:
upper_polypool_index = i - 1
# Compute target_a and bit threshold
target_a = int(math.sqrt(2 * N) / M)
target_mul = 0.9
target_bits = int(target_a.bit_length() * target_mul)
too_close = 10
close_range = 5
min_ratio = LOWER_BOUND_SIQS

while True:
poly_a = 1
afact = []
qli = []
while True:
found_a_factor = False
while(found_a_factor == False):
randindex = random.randint(lower_polypool_index, upper_polypool_index)
potential_a_factor = factor_base[randindex]
found_a_factor = True
if potential_a_factor in afact:
found_a_factor = False

poly_a = poly_a * potential_a_factor

j = target_a.bit_length() - poly_a.bit_length()
if j < too_close:
poly_a = 1
s = 0
afact = []
qli = []
elif j < (too_close + close_range):

a1 = target_a // poly_a
if a1 < min_ratio:

mindiff = 100000000000000000
randindex = 0

for i in range(small_B):
if abs(a1 - factor_base[i]) < mindiff:
mindiff = abs(a1 - factor_base[i])
randindex = i

found_a_factor = False
while not found_a_factor:
potential_a_factor = factor_base[randindex]
found_a_factor = True
if potential_a_factor in afact:
found_a_factor = False
if not found_a_factor:
randindex += 1

if randindex > small_B:

poly_a = poly_a * factor_base[randindex]

diff_bits = (target_a - poly_a).bit_length()

if diff_bits < target_bits:
if poly_a in poly_a_list:
if target_bits >  1000:
target_bits += 1

return poly_a, sorted(qli), set(afact)

def generate_first_polynomial(self, factor_base, N, M, poly_a_list):
a, qli, factors_a = self.new_poly_a(factor_base, N, M, poly_a_list)
s = len(qli)
B = []
for l in range(s):
p = factor_base[qli[l]]
r1 = self.root_map[p][0]
aq = a // p
invaq = self.modinv(aq, p)
gamma = r1 * invaq % p
if gamma > p // 2:
gamma = p - gamma
B.append(aq * gamma)
b = sum(B) % a
c = (b * b - N) // a
soln_map = {}
Bainv = {}
for p in factor_base:
Bainv[p] = []
if a % p == 0 or p == 2:

ainv = self.modinv(a, p)
# store bainv
for j in range(s):
Bainv[p].append((2 * B[j] * ainv) % p)

# store roots
r1, r2 = self.root_map[p]
r1 = ((r1 - b) * ainv) % p
r2 = ((r2 - b) * ainv) % p
soln_map[p] = [r1, r2]

return a, b, c, B, Bainv, soln_map, s, factors_a

def sieve(self, N, B, factor_base, M):
# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
start = time.time()

# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
fb_len = len(factor_base)
fb_map = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(factor_base)}
target_relations = fb_len + self.T
large_prime_bound = B * self.lp_multiplier

# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
threshold = int(math.log2(M * math.sqrt(N)) - self.eps)
lp_found = 0
ind = 1
matrix = [0] * fb_len
relations = []
roots = []
partials = {}
num_poly = 0
interval_size = 2 * M + 1
grays = get_gray_code(20)
poly_a_list = []
poly_ind = 0
sieve_values = [0] * interval_size
r1 = 0
r2 = 0
def process_sieve_value(x, sieve_values, partials, relations, roots, a, b, c, factors_a):
nonlocal ind
val = sieve_values[x]
sieve_values[x] = 0
lpf = 0
if val > threshold:
xval = x - M
relation = a * xval + b
poly_val = a * xval * xval + 2 * b * xval + c

local_factors, value = self.factorise_fast(poly_val, factor_base)
local_factors ^= factors_a

if value != 1:
if value < large_prime_bound:
if value in partials:
rel, lf, pv = partials[value]
relation *= rel
local_factors ^= lf
poly_val *= pv
lpf = 1
partials[value] = (relation, local_factors, poly_val * a)
return 0
return 0

for fac in local_factors:
idx = fb_map[fac]
matrix[idx] |= ind
ind = ind + ind
roots.append(poly_val * a)
return lpf

with Live(console=self.console) as live:
while len(relations) < target_relations:
if num_poly % 10 == 0:
live.update(create_table(relations, target_relations, num_poly, start))

if poly_ind == 0:
a, b, c, B, Bainv, soln_map, s, factors_a = self.generate_first_polynomial(factor_base, N, M, poly_a_list)
end = 1  number of smooth relations
mark_mask = 0
for row in matrix:
if cur % 100 == 0:
print("", end=f"{cur, m}\r")
cur += 1
lsb = (row & -row).bit_length() - 1
if lsb == -1:
marks.append(n - lsb - 1)
mark_mask |= 1   1
if bit == 1:
prod_left *= relations[idx]
prod_right *= roots[idx]
idx += 1

sqrt_right = isqrt(prod_right)
prod_left = prod_left % N
sqrt_right = sqrt_right % N
factor_candidate = self.gcd(N, prod_left - sqrt_right)

if factor_candidate not in (1, N):
other_factor = N // factor_candidate
self.logger.info("Found factors: %d, %d", factor_candidate, other_factor)
return factor_candidate, other_factor

return 0, 0

def factor(self, N, B=None):
overall_start = time.time()
self.logger.info("========== Quadratic Sieve V4 Start ==========")
self.logger.info("Factoring N = %d", N)

step_start = time.time()
B = self.decide_bound(N, self.B)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 1 (Decide Bound) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)

step_start = time.time()
prime_list = self.choose_multiplier(N, self.B)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 2 (Choose Multiplier) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)
kN = self.multiplier * N
if kN.bit_length() <  140:

step_start = time.time()
factor_base = self.build_factor_base(kN, B, prime_list)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 3 (Build Factor Base) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)

step_start = time.time()
matrix, relations, roots = self.sieve(kN, B, factor_base, self.M)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 4 (Sieve Interval) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)

n = len(relations)
step_start = time.time()
null_space = self.solve_bits(matrix, n)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 5 (Solve Dependencies) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)

step_start = time.time()
f1, f2 = self.extract_factors(N, relations, roots, null_space)
step_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Step 6 (Extract Factors) took %.3f seconds", step_end - step_start)

if f1 and f2:
self.logger.info("Quadratic Sieve successful: %d * %d = %d", f1, f2, N)
self.logger.warning("No non-trivial factors found with the current settings.")

overall_end = time.time()
self.logger.info("Total time for Quadratic Sieve: %.10f seconds", overall_end - overall_start)
self.logger.info("========== Quadratic Sieve End ==========")

return f1, f2

if __name__ == '__main__':

## 60 digit number
#N = 373784758862055327503642974151754627650123768832847679663987
#qs = QuadraticSieve(B=111000, M=400000, T=10, prime_limit=45, eps=34, lp_multiplier=20000)

### 70 digit number
N = 3605578192695572467817617873284285677017674222302051846902171336604399
qs = QuadraticSieve(B=300000, M=350000, prime_limit=47, eps=40, T=10, lp_multiplier=256)

## 80 digit number
#N = 4591381393475831156766592648455462734389 * 1678540564209846881735567157366106310351
#qs = QuadraticSieve(B=700_000, M=600_000, prime_limit=52, eps=45, T=10, lp_multiplier=256)

factor1, factor2 = qs.factor(N)

Die Hauptlaufzeit im kommt nun aus dem folgenden Abschnitt, in dem es sich im Grunde um einen riesigen Siebprozess handelt:

Code: Select all

    def sieve(self, N, B, factor_base, M):
start = time.time()

fb_len = len(factor_base)
fb_map = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(factor_base)}
target_relations = fb_len + self.T
large_prime_bound = B * self.lp_multiplier

threshold = int(math.log2(M * math.sqrt(N)) - self.eps)
lp_found = 0
ind = 1

matrix = [0] * fb_len
relations = []
roots = []
partials = {}

num_poly = 0
interval_size = 2 * M + 1
grays = get_gray_code(20)
poly_a_list = []
poly_ind = 0

sieve_values = [0] * interval_size
r1 = 0
r2 = 0

def process_sieve_value(x, sieve_values, partials, relations, roots, a, b, c, factors_a):
nonlocal ind
val = sieve_values[x]
sieve_values[x] = 0
lpf = 0
if val > threshold:
xval = x - M
relation = a * xval + b
poly_val = a * xval * xval + 2 * b * xval + c

local_factors, value = self.factorise_fast(poly_val, factor_base)
local_factors ^= factors_a

if value != 1:
if value < large_prime_bound:
if value in partials:
rel, lf, pv = partials[value]
relation *= rel
local_factors ^= lf
poly_val *= pv
lpf = 1
partials[value] = (relation, local_factors, poly_val * a)
return 0
return 0

for fac in local_factors:
idx = fb_map[fac]
matrix[idx] |= ind
ind = ind + ind
roots.append(poly_val * a)
return lpf

with Live(console=self.console) as live:
while len(relations) <  target_relations:
if num_poly % 10 == 0:
live.update(create_table(relations, target_relations, num_poly, start))

if poly_ind == 0:
a, b, c, B, Bainv, soln_map, s, factors_a = self.generate_first_polynomial(factor_base, N, M, poly_a_list)
end = 1

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