Kein String-Argument-Konstruktor/Factory-Methode zum Deserialisieren aus dem String-Wert

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Kein String-Argument-Konstruktor/Factory-Methode zum Deserialisieren aus dem String-Wert

by Anonymous » 21 Dec 2024, 02:01

Ich versuche, eine externe NYtimes-API zu nutzen. Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Datenausgabe:

"status": "OK",
"copyright": "Copyright (c) 2016 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.",
"section": "home",
"last_updated": "2016-10-20T19:57:45-04:00",
"num_results": 30,
"results": [{
"section": "Briefing",
"subsection": "",
"title": "Election, Dodgers, Duterte: Your Thursday Evening Briefing",
"abstract": "Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.",
"url": "",
"item_type": "Article",
"updated_date": "2016-10-20T18:32:41-04:00",
"created_date": "2016-10-20T17:58:30-04:00",
"published_date": "2016-10-20T17:58:30-04:00",
"material_type_facet": "",
"kicker": "",
"des_facet": [],
"org_facet": [],
"per_facet": [],
"geo_facet": [],
"multimedia": [{
"url": "",
"format": "Standard Thumbnail",
"height": 75,
"width": 75,
"type": "image",
"subtype": "photo",
"caption": "",
"copyright": "Damon Winter/The New York Times"
}, {
"url": "",
"format": "thumbLarge",
"height": 150,
"width": 150,
"type": "image",
"subtype": "photo",
"caption": "",
"copyright": "Damon Winter/The New York Times"
}, {
"url": "",
"format": "Normal",
"height": 127,
"width": 190,
"type": "image",
"subtype": "photo",
"caption": "",
"copyright": "Damon Winter/The New York Times"
}, {
"url": "",
"format": "mediumThreeByTwo210",
"height": 140,
"width": 210,
"type": "image",
"subtype": "photo",
"caption": "",
"copyright": "Damon Winter/The New York Times"
}, {
"url": "",
"format": "superJumbo",
"height": 1365,
"width": 2048,
"type": "image",
"subtype": "photo",
"caption": "",
"copyright": "Damon Winter/The New York Times"
"short_url": ""


Hier ist die Bean-Definition

public class Headline {

String status;
String copyright;
String section;
String last_updated;
int num_results;
List results;


String section;
String subsection;
String title;
String storyAbstract;
String url;
String byline;
String item_type;
String updated_date;
String created_date;
String published_date;
String material_type_facet;
String kicker;
List des_facet;
List org_facet;
List per_facet;
List geo_facet;*/
List multimedia;
String short_url;

String url;
String format;
int height;
int width;
String type;
String subtype;
String caption;
String copyright;

Hier ist mein Anrufer:

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
jsonConverter.setSupportedMediaTypes(Arrays.asList(new MediaType("text","json",MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.DEFAULT_CHARSET)));
Headline headline = restTemplate.getForObject("http://abc/svc/topstories/v1/home.json? ... line.class);"Headline"+headline.toString());

Die Ausnahme, die ich jetzt bekomme, wenn ich anrufe, ist:

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Could not read JSON: Can not construct instance of java.util.ArrayList: no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('')
at [Source:; line: 1, column: 1185] (through reference chain: NYTimes.Payload.Headline["results"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->NYTimes.Story.Story["multimedia"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of java.util.ArrayList: no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('')
at [Source:; line: 1, column: 1185] (through reference chain: NYTimes.Payload.Headline["results"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->NYTimes.Story.Story["multimedia"])

Ich habe versucht zu verstehen, warum es nicht deserialisiert. Wenn der Zeichenfolgenwert leer ist, sollte dies zu einer Nullliste führen?
