Ich habe Marktdatenabonnements für:
CBOE One Add-on-Bundle (NP, L1)
Add-on-Streaming-Paket für US-Aktien und -Optionen
US Securities Snapshot und Futures Value Bundle (NP, L1)
Code: Select all
### SPX Variables ###
und_symbol = 'SPX'
und_exchange = 'CBOE'
### Establishing the specific contract to get options ###
idx_con = Index(und_symbol, und_exchange)
### Select market data type: 1 = Live 2 = Frozen 3 = Delayed 4 = Delayed frozen
### Then get the ticker. Requesting a ticker can take up to 11 seconds.
[ticker] = ib.reqTickers(idx_con)
### Take the current market value of the ticker:
current_price = ticker.marketPrice()