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public class ExecutionUtility
public static TIn2 ExecutionHelper(Func function, TIn1 input)
TIn2 output = default(TIn2);
int result = function(input, out output); // the out keyworkd is not accepted apparently
if (result == 0)
return output;
throw new FunctionExecutionException(result);
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public class FunctionExecutionException : Exception
public int ErrorCode { get; }
public FunctionExecutionException(int errorCode)
: base($"Function execution failed with error code: {errorCode}")
ErrorCode = errorCode;
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public static int myfunction(int input, out string output)
if (input > 0)
output = "OUTPUT_VALUE_1";
return 0;
output = "OUTPUT_VALUE_2";
return -1;
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return ExecutionUtility.API_VERIFY(PRD_GCAPI.myfunction, this.Index);